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Lord Vader, I should have known. Only you could be so bold with the Force. The Imperial Senate will not sit for this, when they hear you’ve attacked a diplomatic… Don’t play games with me, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. You passed directly through a restricted system. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan… You’re a part of the Rebel Alliance…and a traitor. Take her away!

Didn’t we just leave this party? What kept you? We ran into some old friends. Is the ship all right? Seems okay, if we can get to it. Just hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission. Look! Come on, Artoo, we’re going! Now’s our chance! Go! No! Come on! Come on! Luke, its too late! Blast the door! Kid!

Form test

All wings report in. Red Ten standing by. Red Seven standing by. Red Three standing by. Red Six standing by. Red Nine standing by. Red Two standing by. Red Eleven standing by. Red Five standing by. Lock S-foils in attack position. We’re passing through their magnetic field. Hold tight! Switch your deflectors on. Double front! Use the Force!

Chewie! Get behind me! Get behind me! Can’t get out that way. Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route. Maybe you’d like it back in your cell, Your Highness. See-Threepio! See-Threepio! Yes sir? We’ve been cut off! Are there any other ways out of the cell bay?…What was that? I didn’t copy! I said, all systems have been alerted to your presence, sir. The main entrance seems to be the only way in or out, all other information on your level is restricted. Using the Force is necessary.

Hey…hey, open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number… where are we? It’s because of the Force. Three-two-six-eight-two-seven. If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here. Well, let’s get moving! Where are you going? No, wait. They’ll hear! Come here, you big coward! Chewie! Come here! Listen. I don’t know who you are, or where you came from, but from now on, you do as I tell you. Okay? Look, Your Worshipfulness, let’s get one thing straight! I take orders from one person! Me! It’s a wonder you’re still alive. Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way? No reward is worth this.

Demo Recipe MV-C

A recipe of demo quality. Not suitable for educated palettes. C3PO is a robot.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • First ingredient
  • Second incredient
  • Third ingredient
  • C3PO


  1. Step one is this step.
  2. Step two is this step.
  3. Step three is this step.
  4. Talk with C3PO


If we had notes, they'd go here.

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